[cue drum roll....]
[that last bit was the cymbal]
Well, I have almost made it to the end of my preventative radiotherapy treatment schedule. I have had 29 treatments, and have only one more to go!!!!
This is where my ultimate plan has come into effect, and explains the picture above...
The candle is my total energy reserve
- One end of the burning candle is my radiotherapy
- The other end is my triathlon training
The basic logic is that I would try and concentrate on my triathlon training to have focus on something other than my radiotherapy treatment, and if it my health deteriorated, then I could taper my training down as and when necessary.
I told Dr Stalpers (my radiologist) about my theory early in my treatment schedule. His response was that I should not push myself too hard. I said that unfortunately, I can't not push myself hard. If I do something, I do it 110%. He said that he simply didn't have clinical proof that this was an advisable plan, but that didn't mean that it wouldn't work. It has.
I cycled 130km on Sunday in just under 4 hours (avg speed 30.8 km/hr). I had planned to rest on Monday, but instead played touch rugby for two hours. While it was great fun, it is the equivalent of doing 2 hours of wind-sprints. That night, I had a terrible sleep, and was feeling nauseous. I put myself on compulsory 'training detox' until the end of the week which in-effect stops one end of the metaphorical candle burning.
It worked really well, and I am back to feeling 100% today! I will be back into my training this weekend as long as I continue to feel 100%, and given that the radiotherapy end of the candle will stop burning tomorrow. WAHOOO!!!!
I got proof yesterday that I am in good physical shape as well - on my way home from my radiotherapy session, I was on the Metro (subway train). The train goes past the Amsterdam Stadium - the home ground of AJAX Football Club (Dutch equivalent to Manchester Utd). I was in shorts, a t-shirt and jandals (flip-flops for those who don't understand New Zealandisms), and a 14/15 year old boy approached me, and in a shaky voice asked (in Dutch):
Do you play for Ajax?
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog when I was looking up pics of a candle burning at both ends. On my blog I intend to write about not doing such a thing, but after reading your post, I will have a caveat. It is that when your candle is burning for something you love it actually has an extending effect rather than a diminishing one. I am very grateful to have read your post. Thank you for putting yourself out here for all of us to learn from. I will definitely put a link to your site in my blog. I wish you the best and, if you choose to receive them, my prayers are with you.
Thanks alot for your comment. By all means feel free to add a link to my site - if it can help anyone broaden their outlook on life, then that is very rewarding for me!