This triathlon was a 1km swim, followed by a 40km cycle and a 10km run. The sea swim was relatively peaceful without inflicting or receiving any open wounds, and I left the water in the middle of the pack.
In the 40km bike stage, I improved by 10 places, with 3 people receiving a yellow card (a penalty where they need to stop and start) for slip-streaming behind me.
There was a massive head-wind for 8km of the 20km cycle circuit which made it a bit more difficult, but at least it was difficult for everyone who wasn't trying to sneak along in my fart zone.
In the run, I felt a lot better than I did in my first triathlon, and gained another 4 places.
I finished the race in 2:38:36 - a time that I was pleased with.
I feel a lot more confident now, and I can't wait to get to Monaco!!!