Note from Bondy: With no time to add a post to the blog, I have simply taken an excerpt from Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame...
The Enterprise
Captain's log, stardate 9 April, 2008...
Starfleet has informed us of a possible residual tumour presence within the galaxy known as Bondy. We went straight to the galaxy at a speed of warp 9. Our head engineer Scotty did struggle with this, stating quite clearly "Cap'n! I canna meck eet go enne fastarrrr!", but
warp 9 got us there in plenty of time.
The photon torpedo device
We found that in the said galaxy, there was a device that would enable us to launch a photon torpedo at the potential tumour presence. It worked on the Klingons, so it would work on a tumour.
Cloak mechanism
The head constellation of Bondy galaxy was covered with an elaborate cloak mechanism, that included a clearly marked target. Almost too easy...
At my command, The Enterprise launched five photon torpedoes at different angles. Four of them for a duration of less than ten seconds, and one for approximately 25 seconds, and it was as simple as that. I watched to see the path of the torpedoes...

Captain James T Kirk
Upon closer inspection of Bondy, everything seemed in order. Symptoms close in similarity to a very minor hangover were not enough to stop Bondy from playing touch rugby for two hours the night after the treatment.
[End of Captain's log]